Business Licenses/Permits

All businesses located within the town of Newport and outside contractors doing work within the town boundaries are required to obtain a business license (in addition to holding a state license).

Property owners who lease their Newport commercial or residential property are required to obtain a renter’s license.



You must obtain a permit if you are doing the following work: structural (roof, addition, demolition), plumbing, mechanical, and electrical. Inspections are required when a permit is issued.

Fees are based on job valuation and are assessed as follows:

$11.00 for the first $1,000 of job valuation

$6.00 for each additional $1,000 of job valuation

Minimum permit fee is $50.00


The forms are not fillable, but you can print out the form and email it to Wendy King.  Her email address is: 
Call 302-994-6403 if you have any questions.