According to the town’s charter, there shall be a municipal election held within the town limits on the first Monday in April each and every year. At least 20 days prior to an election, notice of said election shall be given, together with the officers to be elected.
Filing for the Office of Commissioner shall be by letter signed by the candidate and there shall be no party designation on any such letter beside the name of any candidate or on any ballot in any municipal election.
All persons desiring to be candidates shall file a written and signed statement to the Town Manager of the Town of Newport during normal business hours not later than thirty days before the election.
Voter Registration Information:
You must be registered to vote in the Town of Newport in order to vote in a municipal election. You may register in person any day between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. at the municipal building, 226 N. James Street, and show proof of residency in the form of a state-issued identification card, driver’s license, utility bill, mortgage, or lease agreement. You have to be registered to vote at least 30 days prior to the scheduled election to be eligible to vote.
Forms & Information:
Campaign Finance Training/Information
2024 Candidates: April Balliet, Tim Chatburn, Frank Romanowski, Ashley Smith, Lisa Spencer, Joseph Stagliano
Candidates are responsible for contacting the Commissioner of Elections at 905 S. Governor’s Avenue, Suite 170, Dover, DE 19904, (302) 739-4277, to see if any campaign finance rules or requirements pertain to the election.